Engineering design for dams & spillways

Engineering guidance and technical tools for the design of dams and spillways, including assessing risks for burned watersheds.

Dam safety guidelines

  • Part IV - Dam Design and Construction — This document outlines a rational engineering approach to address the majority of cases. Individual projects may pose unique problems that require specialized measures. Where engineers face such cases, it will be their responsibility to demonstrate that their approach satisfactorily addresses the pertinent engineering issues.

Technical tools & materials

  • Hydraulic computations for open spillways and riprap-lined channels — This document outlines a rational engineering approach to address the majority of cases. Individual projects may pose unique problems that require specialized measures. Where engineers face such cases, it will be their responsibility to demonstrate that their approach satisfactorily addresses the pertinent engineering issues.
  • Hydraulic computations for drop inlet spillways — This zip file of Microsoft Excel spreadsheets includes a stage-discharge curve for the spillway, flow surges and pressure fluctuations in the outlet pipe, and downstream tailwater conditions. Template spreadsheets and worked examples are provided, along with a separate set of instructions and tips for using the spreadsheets. NOTE: We recommend reading "Instruct.doc" before getting into the spreadsheets.

Design details

Burned watershed