Eyes Under Puget Sound

Eyes Under Puget Sound is the Marine Sediment Monitoring Team’s monthly blog pertaining to Puget Sound sediments, with topics ranging from sediment conditions and benthic critters, to field work and special projects.
Eyes Under Puget Sound is the Marine Sediment Monitoring Team’s monthly blog pertaining to Puget Sound sediments, with topics ranging from sediment conditions and benthic critters, to field work and special projects.

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74 results.

The British Columbian Doto: Just another Northwest slug?
The Doto is a species of sea slug, also known as a nudibranch. It is a marine gastropod in the family Dotidae.
Bend, but don’t break: The bamboo worms flex and flourish
Since June encompasses three outdoorsy occasions, let’s get our hands dirty and talk about an incredible group of animals that resemble a truly incredible plant: the bamboo worms.
Babies of the Benthos – Crab edition
Many invertebrates allow their young to fend for themselves in the water column, and our beloved Puget Sound crabs are no exception...but they are anything but claws-off when it comes to parenting.
"Everyday chemicals” found at the bottom of Puget Sound
Our Marine Sediment Monitoring Team spent almost a decade sampling the muck under Puget Sound to measure chemical contaminants. Here's what they found.
It’s slime time! The slime tube worm lives in a house of horrors
Sliiiime. Just saying the word conjures up images of monsters from scary movies like The Blob, The Thing, and Ghostbusters. But to the slime tube worm, all this ooze looks like Home Sweet Home.
What's bugging Puget Sound benthos?
Ecology’s Marine Sediment Monitoring Team tracks the health of the sediments and invertebrates at the bottom of Puget Sound. They've been on the decline for decades – what could be contributing?
These worms are boring! ... into oyster shells, that is
Shell-boring worms make their homes in mollusc shells. These parasites are sometimes called mud blister worms, because the burrows that they create inside the shells fill with mud and detritus.
Bad to the bone: The skeleton shrimps are drop-dead cool
If you can put aside their alien appearance, skeleton shrimp are fascinating creatures.
The "unicorn" shrimp is pure magic
Nebalia pugettensis is a tiny crustacean that lives on the sea floor, with a horn-like rostrum and leg-like appendages that function as lungs.
The dove snails bring peace and good shell to all
Dove snails don't look much like their avian namesake – except for the teardrop shape of their shells.